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How Do I Get A DBS Check?

DBS Check. Insurance

Jonny Clarke avatar
Written by Jonny Clarke
Updated over 3 months ago

Enhanced DBS Process

In order to work as a Pharmacist/Optometrist you must complete the enhanced DBS application online through a registered body using the provided PIN and secret word, you cannot apply online without these.

Locate a Locum are a registered body, please make a note of the below PIN and secret word before starting your application:

To obtain a DBS, please access the link here.

Organisation ID is: ORG-2VGNSSDB
Access code: Locate2

Email: Please use your own email

The cost for Enhanced DBS Check is £74 and the Post Office charges £4.20 for a document check.

Enhanced DBS Update Service

This service is provided annually and can be of benefit to all. By registering with the service, it keeps your certificate valid and assures employers that your certificate is current and up to date.

To join the update service please visit:

**The certificate must be registered with the annual update service within 14 days of receipt.**

The cost for Enhanced DBS Check is £74 and the Post Office charges £4.20 for a document check.

Once you have your DBS, I suggest signing up to the UK Gov DBS Update service - link is here. Certain companies require you to be signed up for this service to work with them, including Boots. 

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