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Payment Support

This document will provide support around payment expectations, suggested actions before shift & potential useful contacts.

Olivia McKearney avatar
Written by Olivia McKearney
Updated over 8 months ago

Payment Expectations

Locate a Locum is NOT responsible for the processing of a payment, this responsibility lies with the payment teams of each company. We work with various companies which means that the processes can vary. Payments will typically be made within 7, 14, or 30 days of the worked shift depending on the company. We advise requesting this information when submitting your invoices for any worked shifts to manage payment expectations.

Actions Before Your Shift

Before your shift, it’s vital that you check out our blog ‘Locuming in Different Pharmacies - Registering & Getting Paid’. This blog will cover everything you need to know about how to register for pharmacies and get paid after you work your shift.

Any companies not on the registration blog are classed as independent pharmacies, these pharmacies will require an invoice to be left in-store (click here to view an invoice template). We do advise also asking in-store if there is an email address that invoices can be sent directly.

Potential Useful Contacts:

At Locate a Locum we are always here to support locums, if payment has not been received within the payment period we can support you by emailing the relevant company. However, as Locate a Locum does NOT process payments we can only wait for a response from the payment teams of the relevant companies.

Some potentially useful contacts are listed below:

Before applying for any shifts with Boots, you must complete the registration process via the link provided above. It’s important to note that you will NOT be paid unless this step is completed. Once completed you will be sent a link internally from Boots to set up a new vendor account for payment. In addition, for General Queries around Boots you can contact for Payment Processing you can contact

Sapvendor manages all account creations for Boots direct. If you need/want any updates on your registration status you MUST contact Boots directly at the email address provided. Please be patient as this process can take up to 3 weeks to complete if there are no issues or delays.

Locums can submit invoices via this email address. Locums can also utilise this email address to chase any outstanding payments.

Superdrug - 0330 060 3000

If you experience any issues with payment please get in touch with the Superdrug Operations Team in Head Office via the number listed above. Once you call select option 3 then 2 or 3 (whichever is applicable).

Expenses should be claimed using WebExpenses. If you experience any issues with payment please get in touch via the email address provided above or send it to the relevant coordinator and team leader.

Coming August 2024:

Get early access to LALPro for improved locum support. Streamlined solutions for invoicing, payments, financial forecasting & more!

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