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Leave Settings

A complete guide on how to edit the Leave Settings section of the LAL platform.

Olivia McKearney avatar
Written by Olivia McKearney
Updated over a week ago

This article includes content on both ‘General Settings’ & ‘Bulk Add Absences’.

To access ‘Leave Settings’, you will need to navigate to the ‘Cog’ icon located on the top right-hand side of the below screenshot:

Once you select the ‘Cog’ icon the following drop-down menu will appear:

At this stage, you will select ‘Leave Settings’, and the following screen will then display:

General Settings:

Here you can set default settings across your organisation:

  • Leave Period Start - this is when your leave ‘year’ begins and when the employee balances run from. You can change the start date by clicking on the calendar icon.

  • Allowance Defaults - the default settings here are 200 ‘Holiday Entitlement’ hours and 8 hours per day - these can be overwritten depending on your organisation’s allowances. You’ll also note the ability to ‘Record Holiday & Statutory separately?’ simply check the checkbox accordingly.

Once updated, simply click the ‘Save Settings’ button.

Bulk Add Absences:

If you select the ‘Bulk Add Absences' tab the following screen will display:

Firstly, you must select the relevant ‘Type’ of absence from the drop-down menu. Once selected, select the green ‘Next’ button to proceed.

On this screen, you must select the relevant ‘Date’ for the bulk absence. Once selected, click on the green ‘Next’ button to proceed.

On this screen, you will then review the selected dates before selecting the green ‘Submit’ button to save your changes.

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