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Job Types

Complete guide on the ‘Job Types’ section of the LAL platform. Detailing steps on how to create, edit and delete ‘Job Types’

Stevie McIntyre avatar
Written by Stevie McIntyre
Updated over a week ago

To add a job type, you will need to navigate to the ‘Cog’ icon located on the top right-hand side of the below screenshot:

Once you select the ‘Cog’ icon the following drop-down menu will appear:

At this stage you will select ‘Job Types’, and the following screen will then display:

Adding a New Job Type:

At this point, you will select the green ‘Add’ icon displayed on the top right of the above screenshot. Once selected the below screen will appear:

From this screen you will be able to:

  • Write the ‘Name’ of the job type that you wish to create.

  • Select from the drop-down menu the ‘Type of Cover Required’ for the Job Type.

  • Select from the drop-down menu the appropriate ‘Default Leave Tier’ (Indicates where the job type ranks within the leave tier hierarchy by default, level 1 being the lowest tier)

  • Enable ‘User Always Visible In Rota’ by selecting the checkbox. (Check this box if you want users of this type to always show in your rota, even when they do not have shifts)

  • Enable ‘Relief Worker’ by selecting the checkbox. (Check this box if the job relates to an employee who works across multiple stores on short notice)

  • Select the ‘Display Colour’ that you would like each job type to appear on your rota

Once you’re happy with the edits made, select the green ‘Save’ icon on the bottom right-hand corner of the above screenshot.

Editing an Existing Job Type:

To edit an existing Job Type, from the ‘Job Types’ main screen, select the ‘Cog’ icon within the ‘Actions’ column next to the relevant Job Type.

Once selected the below modal will display:

Here you can edit information around the ‘Name’, ‘Type of Cover Required’, ‘Default Leave Tier’, ‘Display Colour’ & ‘Display Order’. You’ll also be able to enable or disable ‘User Always Visible In Rota’ & ‘Relief Worker’ by checking or unchecking the relevant check box.

Once you’re happy with the edits made click on the green ‘Save’ button.

To Delete an Existing Job Type:

To delete an existing Job Type, from the ‘Job Types’ main screen, select the ‘Bin’ icon within the ‘Actions’ column next to the relevant Job Type.

It’s worth noting that you can only delete job types that are not currently assigned to users.

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