Click the tabs to choose your view, you have a weekly rota view and a gap management list view.
Weekly view will let you view the weekly rota for all staff in that store.
The gaps list view is a full list of every gap you have at this moment in time in that store.
Gaps can also be viewed via the weekly rota view.
The locum required row shows you your gaps one week at a time so you can see any upcoming gaps in the store that week.
If a leave request is submitted and a locum is required, an unpublished gap will appear in this row.
Click the 3 dots to open a menu, choose ‘edit gap’ to edit details about this shift before it is published (including hourly rate).
Edit gap open a modal where you can edit all details about the gap (see below screenshot).
Click save and publish to post the gap live to your locums.
The gaps list view lists all the gaps in that store.
This is a quick view list to give you a running total of gaps that need filled.
The button in the action column will take you to the rota for that week. You then use the locum required row as mentioned above, to edit and publish gaps out to your locums.
Note: Once a gap is published, it will become visible to coordinators as a live shift. They can then track this live shift, keep track of applicants or manual book, view a booked shift and see a history of all past shifts.