Looking for quick answers? Here's what we're covering in this article:
Configure Leave Defaults
Navigate to the Cog icon & click on 'Leave Manager
2. Here you will land on the Leave Manager Page. This page gives you some 'General settings' - Here you can set default settings across your organisation.
Leave Period Start - this is when your leave 'year' begins and when employee balances run from. You can change the start date using the date picker calendar.
Allowance Defaults - the default setting here is 200 entitlement hours and 8 hours per day - these can be overwritten depending on your organisation's allowances. Once updated, simply click the 'Save Settings' button.
Configure Leave Types
Navigate to the sidebar on the left of your screen and click on the 'Leave Types' tab (highlighted below)
2. Here you can set your organisation's leave types. Default leave types include Holiday, Maternity, Bank Holiday, Paid, Unpaid, Sick, and Compassionate but there is the ability to add more leave types.
Navigate to the 'Add' button on the top right of your screen (shown below)
Once you click on the 'add button' the below pop up will appear. Here you can pick a type of leave from a drop-down menu
There are also three checkboxes that allow you to set if:
a) Reduces employees holiday balance
b) If the employee is able to select this Leave Type when submitting requests
c) If selection this leave type is considered 'sickness' (for record-keeping)
Press the 'Save' button and your new 'Leave Type' will be reflected on your Leave list.
How to set leave balances for employees
Once you set your 'Leave Types' it is important to configure your leave settings per user.
Navigate to the 'Cog' icon and click on 'Users' in the drop-down menu (shown below)
2. Here you will see a list of you Users (shown below)
to update individual setting, navigate to the cog to the right of each users name and a pop up will appear allowing you to edit the individual user settings (shown below)
Click on the 'Annual Leave' tab. Here you can add a balance for each calendar year
To do this, simply click the 'Add Allowance' button. This will give you the option to add holiday entitlements and a Note (shown below)
If the employee has leave carried over from a previous year or any other anomaly you can simply add another allowance by clicking on the 'Add Allowances' button - Example below adding an extra 10 hours.
Once saved this will be reflected in the employees 'Holiday Balance' on their profile
Bulk add absences
Navigate to the next tab named 'Bulk Add Absences'.
This is where you would add absences for all employees in your organisation. These sorts of absences are usually fixed in nature (Christmas, Bank Holidays etc.)
Multiple days can be added via the calendar - press 'Next' to see a bulk absences summary and confirm (fig.2)